Don’t Use Distilled Water in Keurig – Use This Instead

If you’re a Keurig user, you may have heard the argument that using distilled water in your coffee maker can help improve the taste and quality of your coffee. However, it’s important to understand why using distilled water for your Keurig isn’t recommended, and why Keurig specifically mentions that in their brewers manuals.

Why You Shouldn’t Use Distilled Water in Keurig Or any Coffee Maker

1- It Affects Coffee Flavor Negatively

One of the main reasons why you shouldn’t use distilled water in your Keurig is that it lacks the minerals and other nutrients that are essential for good-quality coffee brewing. These minerals help to enhance the flavor and aroma of your coffee.

2- It Ruins Your Machine’s Internal Parts

Additionally, using distilled water can cause scale buildup in your Keurig machine over time, which can reduce its performance and lifespan. This is due to the hardness of distilled water, which can lead to problems like clogs and corrosion.

3- It’s Not Good for Your Health

Lastly, using distilled water may not be good for your health. Since this type of water has been processed to remove any impurities or heavy metals, it may contain fewer antioxidants than regular water. This means that coffee brewed with distilled water won’t have as many health benefits as coffee made with other types of water, such as spring or filtered. So if you want to ensure that you’re getting the best possible coffee from your Keurig machine, it’s best to stick with regular, filtered or spring water instead of distilled.

Types of Water You Can Use in Your Keurig

Can I Use Tap Water In My Keurig?

Yes, you can use tap water – just as long as it’s filtered using Keurig’s reservoir water filter. In some models, this filter is included, but you’ll have to replace it every few months.

k cup filter cartridges
Filter Cartridges are sold in a set of two, four or six. Each will last you two months on average, but could last longer if you’re a light user.

This will ensure that all impurities and heavy metals have been removed from your tap water before using it with your Keurig, so you can enjoy great-tasting coffee without any unwanted additives or chemicals and without harming your machine.

Please note that some models, like the K-Mini, or basically any model with an ‘add fresh water’ type of tank won’t have a filter in reservoir. So use filtered bottled water with these models instead.

Can I Use Brita Filtered Water in My Keurig?

Yes, you can use Brita filtered water, too. However, it’s important to note that this type of filtered water may not be as effective at preventing scale buildup as keurig-certified filters are. So if you’re looking for the best possible results from your coffee maker, it’s always a good idea to stick with keurig-certified filters. But if you just want to make sure that your coffee is free from any impurities or heavy metals, then Brita filtered water should do the trick!

Will I Still Need to Descale My Keurig If I Use Filtered Water?

Yes, you will still need to descale your Keurig if you use filtered water. But the frequency of how many times you will have to do it will vary. If you’re using the reservoir filter, then the frequency may be lower. However, if you use other types of water, such as a Brita filtered or bottled, then you will still need to descale your keurig more frequently in order to prevent scale buildup and other problems.

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In Conclusion

So whether you prefer the use of keurig filters or another type of filtered water, it’s important that you make sure to stay on top of keurig maintenance by regularly descaling your machine whenever it notifies you to. This will help ensure that your coffee is consistently delicious and free from any unwanted sediment or impurities, and ensures a longer lifespan of your machine.