In a previous post about Nespresso, we mentioned the Inissia as one of the most affordable Nespresso machines out here. It might make you wonder, why is it less expensive? Will you be giving up many features in return of the lower price? In this post, we’ll talk about the difference between the Inissia and other Nespresso machines to find out.
What Is The Difference Between Inissia and Pixie, U and CitiZ?
- When it comes to how the machines work, they all pretty much work the same way (with slight differences in between). You insert a Nespresso capsule, hit a button and your coffee starts brewing immediately. They all use the same capsules, too, so you’re getting the same quality of drink.
- The Inissia is the most basic Nespresso machine. It has two programmable buttons for Espresso and Lungo and that’s it. It doesn’t have an on/off button, so you have to manually “wake it up”, if you will. Other machines have an on/off buttons and could have an extra button for Ristretto, like the U for example.
- The Inissia does not have any memorization features like the U, which memorizes your favorite settings and brews your coffee automatically.
- The Inissia has a colored plastic exterior (available in 3 colors). Other Nespresso machines use a mixture of metal and plastic.
- The Inissia and Pixie are most similar in design, but the Pixie is equipped with sleek metal panels on the side, blue LED backlights which is an indicator of a full drawer capsule. Pixie is also the only Nespresso machine that is made in Switzerland. (Some newer Pixie machines may not be made in Switzerland, please check before buying)
Should I Buy a Nespresso Inissia, Pixie, CitiZ or U?
Inissia or Pixie: if the quality built of the machine matters to you, the Pixie should certainly be your choice. But any difference beyond that is almost unnoticeable.
Inissia or U: The U has great memorization feature that other Nespresso machines don’t have. It memorizes the settings you’ve used the past few times and then automatically brews your next shot the same way (but of course, you can always change it). It also has a very adaptable design, with a 180-degree swivel water tank that can solve some counter-space issues. The Inissia is bit smaller in size, but lacks other features of the U.
Inissia or CitiZ: If water tank capacity is something high on your list, the CitiZ has the largest water tank on a Nespresso machine (34 oz). The Inissia has a 24 oz water tank. The CitiZ is also available with a built-in Aerroccino milk frother, unlike the other Nespresso machines.
What Is The Difference Between The Inissia and Essenza Nespresso Machines?
You might have noticed the the Nespresso Essenza is priced around the same price as the Inissia, but is there a difference between them? Yes, there is…
- Both are a starter affordable Nespresso machine.
- The Essenza is an older model than the Inissia which is newer in design.
- The Essenza does NOT have automatic volume control so you manually brew the coffee and stop it when you like. It does have an on/off button
- The Inissia has automatic volume control, it automatically adjusts and brews the coffee. It lacks the on/off button.
We highly recommend the Inissia over the Essenza since it’s newer.